ESTA (European String Teachers Association) is a non-governmental organization founded in 1972, in order to promote a high level of teaching and allow the exchange of ideas between string teachers and musicians of all disciplines, throughout Europe. Currently, it is present in twenty-five European countries.
The Spanish branch of ESTA was originally founded by Yehudi Menuhin in 1993 and had only one president until 2008: Don Francisco Javier Comesaña.
After years of inactivity, ESTA ESPAÑA is reborn in January 2021, with an exclusive artistic, educational, scientific and cooperative motivation.
Our fundamental objectives are: to improve, enrich and share our musical work, share pedagogical methods, editorial and repertoire novelties, research results, promote professional training and foster greater interest in string instruments and their pedagogy in society.
For this, and in compliance with our statutes, various activities will be carried out, such as holding conferences, meetings, concerts, seminars, courses or congresses, which facilitate our coordination and joint work.